Redefine Physical Therapy & Performance

Product overview

Redefine PT already had a live site in use, but it wasn’t maximizing the brand’s full potential. By redesigning the site to better showcase the athletes and emphasize exactly what services are being offered, Redefine is able to capture more of its target audience.

This redesign also including the building of the actual website using Webflow.

Before redesign

Build and improvements

With a bold, clear, and consistent call to action section, users are driven to sign up for a free consultation and begin using Redefine’s services. The site is also responsive, meaning that it looks fluid and laid out well on all types of devices (including mobile). It includes SEO and performance optimizations.

The original site was built on Wordpress, but upon discussing the benefits of using Webflow with the client, I was able to seamlessly build the new site in Webflow and transition the domain to using it with zero interruptions. (If the client had chosen to stay with Wordpress, the design and build would have still been possible).

View the live site at Redefine Physical Therapy & Performance.

After redesign

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